Der dicke fette Pfannkuchen auf Englisch
Das Märchen vom dicken fetten Pfannkuchen wurde vor über 150 Jahren von den beiden Brüdern Carl und Theodor Colshorn in ihrer Märchensammlung niedergeschrieben.
Vor einiger Zeit hatten wir hier bereits eine Version des Märchentextes vom dicken, fetten Pfannkuchen auf Deutsch veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Nacherzählung, die für Kinder gedacht ist.
Jetzt gibt es unsere Version von dem Text auch auf Englisch:
The fairy tale of the big fat pancake
Once upon a time there were three old women who wanted to make pancakes. The first woman brought an egg. The second brought milk. And the third brought flour and butter. They mixed the ingredients to a dough. Then they took a pan and baked a big fat pancake out of the batter.

When the pancake was ready, something strange happened. The big fat pancake suddenly stood up and jumped out of the pan.
The three women looked puzzled as the pancake ran into the forest. They tried to stop him, but he had already disappeared into the forest.
In the forest, the pancake met a hare. The hare called out, „Stop, you big fat pancake! Stop right there. I want to eat you.“ But the pancake did not even think of letting the hare eat him. He replied, „I have already run away from the three old women. I’m not going to let you eat me.“ Then he ran further into the forest.
Then a wolf came along the way. When he spotted the pancake, the wolf called out, „Stop, you big fat pancake! Stop right there. I want to eat you.“ But the pancake shouted back, „I’ve already run away from the three old women, and the hare too. I’m not going to let you eat me.“ Then he ran on.
As soon as he ran further into the forest, a deer met him. The deer called out, „Stop, you big fat pancake! Stop right there. I want to eat you.“ But the pancake shouted back, „I’ve already run away from the three old women, and the hare, and the wolf. So I‘ m not going to let you eat me either.“ Then he ran even farther into the forest.
Next, a pig came running by. It was also hungry for a pancake and called out, „Stop, you big fat pancake! Stop right there. I want to eat you.“ But the pancake shouted back, „I have already run away from the three old women, and the hare, and the wolf, and the deer. I’m not going to let you eat me.“ Then he ran on.
Suddenly three children came along the way. They were orphans, who had no mother and no father. The children said, „Dear Pancake, please stop. We are so hungry and have not eaten all day.“ So the pancake didn’t have to think long. He ran up to the children, jumped into their empty basket and let them eat him up.
Noch mehr Märchen auf Englisch
Hier haben wir noch mehr bekannte Märchen und Geschichten auf Englisch für euch: